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Social Media & Mental Health

بسبب ما يشهده العالم في الوقت الحالي من وباء عالمي وهو فيروس كورونا وما ترتب عليه من إجراءات العزل والتباعد الاجتماعي؛ ترتب عليه ازدياد ملحوظ في استخدام وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي التي اصبحت عاده لا تتجزأ من يومنا، حيث ان الاستمرار لوقت طويل في قراءة ونشر الاخبار عن الوباء العالمي الحالي، علي هذا الصدد تم نشر […]
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Wear a Mask to Protect your Brain

It’s safe to say that the Covid-19 pandemic has left both healthcare workers and researchers stumped. There seems to be no limit to the effects the virus has on the body. From the lungs, to the blood vessels, Covid-19 seemed to evade every organ system’s defenses. And now, it has come for the brain. Research […]
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Media & Marketing Responsibilities – Join US!

OVERVIEW: A project’s image is what matters the most, and it’s our responsibility as the media and marketing team to make sure that the image is well-delivered; ensuring that our team work doesn’t go to waste, and to make sure that the message of our initiative reaches the most amount of people possible.    POSITION […]
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Organizing & Logistics Responsibilities – Join US!

OVERVIEW: All for one and one for all, cause united we are unbreakable, in our division we are one. Every move, every action is in sync and harmony. Like one soul occupying different bodies. Perfection is what we seek. And together we are a perfect -One-   POSITION DESCRIPTION: A) Responsible for organizing the sessions […]
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Content Writing Responsibilities – Join US!

OVERVIEW: Content Writer responsibilities include conducting thorough research on medical-related topics, generating ideas for new content types and proofreading articles before publication. Familiar with producing online content and have an eye for detail, to produce effective content.   POSITION DESCRIPTION: Research Medical-related topics (combining online sources, and studies) Write clear marketing copy to promote our […]
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Human Resources Responsibilities – Join US!

OVERVIEW: The job is responsible for handling issues related to the individuals and members. Establishing, applying, and developing procedures, policies, and plans regulating employee recruitment processes and organizing procedures for managing their affairs during volunteering, to ensure the effective use of human resources in Street Doctor, and follow up on everything related to serving their […]
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Public Relations Responsibilities – Join US!

OVERVIEW: A professional project is a successful project, and it’s the Public Relations division’s job to show the world how elegant, sleek and polished we are. We are the project’s representatives in front of everybody else, from sponsors to partners and speakers. And to that, we aim to hunt for the best of the best; […]
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Social Media Ambassador Responsibilities – Join US!

OVERVIEW: The Social Media Ambassador will help further the Street Doctor mission of encouraging interest and participation in Street Doctor activities and events, as well as sharing ideas that advance the medical awareness content.    POSITION DESCRIPTION: Responsible for helping to promote Street Doctor online content & events Generate interest and engagement onsite and online. Apply […]
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Are Men Suffering alone?

الصحة العقلية لا تقل أهمية عن الأكسجين، فأنت بحاجة إلى الشعور بالراحة النفسية للبقاء على قيد الحياة. بينما تؤثر الأمراض العقلية على كل من الرجال والنساء، لا يمكننا تجاهل وصمة العار المحيطة بالصحة العقلية والتي تمنع العديد من الرجال من طلب المساعدة عندما يكونون في أمس الحاجة إليها – وهي تقتلهم حرفياً. وبحسب منظمة الصحة […]
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6 Steps for Better Mental Health

٦ نصائح لتعزيز صحتك العقلية: 10 دقائق للتأمل كل صباح ، فهذا سيساعدك على تصفية ذهنك وبدء يومك بمزاج جيد. احرص على المشي لمدة 30 دقيقة على الأقل يوميًا، فهذا سيقلل من التوتر ويساعد على تعزيز مستويات الطاقة لديك. الغذاء الصحي الغني بالفيتامينات والألياف والمعادن سيؤدي إلى نمط حياة أكثر صحة. مع تركيز كبير على […]
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