Innovative Future of Neuroscience Conference - IFoN
Brilliant minds don't have a certain age, all that they need is a chance to show the world what they can do. And here's their chance to do so!
We -Street Doctor- are pleased to announce our first scientific conference, under the title of "Innovative Future of Neuroscience", which will discuss topics in neuroscience in an advanced-yet-simple way and how the neuroscience will evolve in the future.
The speakers are the best 5 participants of "Beauty of Brain" program that aims to raise the knowledge of young people (12-16 years) about neuroscience and brain parts, with the partnership of Young People's Library - Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
It's such a great honor to have as chairmen: Prof. Dr.Ahmad R. Bassiouny and Prof. Dr. Muhammad Hamdy.
General secretary of the conference: Dr. Hussein Youssef (founder of Street Doctor)
“Children who aren't encouraged to do, to try, to explore, to master and to risk failure, often feel helpless and inadequate. Being over-controlled by anxious and fearful parents leads to the fact that these children often become anxious and fearful themselves. This makes it difficult for them to mature. Many never outgrow the need for ongoing parental guidance and control. As a result, their parents continue to invade, manipulate, and frequently dominate their lives.” Said Susan Forward.
We -Street Doctor- are pleased to announce our second scientific conference "Innovative Future Of Neuroscience 2018" under the title of "Toxic Parents" which will discuss the relation between neuroscience and over-parenting. It aims to increase the awareness of the difference between authoritative parenting -that aims to raise children who do better academically, psychologically and socially- and over-parenting ,which involves over-involvement and control from the parents' side.
In partnership with Young People's Library - Bibliotheca Alexandrina. The main speakers of the conference are of professors at faculty of medicine will discuss topics concerning the toxic effect of parenting on children's brains and also the best five participants of "Beauty of Brain" program which aims to improve the knowledge of young people -aging between (12-16) years- about neuroscience with all its aspects.
We -Street Doctor- are also pleased and honored to announce:
= The honorary president of the conference:
* Prof. Dr. Salah Soliman.
Professor of Pesticide Chemistry and Toxicology – Alexandria Uni.
Senior Expert - Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
= The chairperson of the conference:
* Prof. Dr. Alaa Balbaa.
Dean of Faculty of Physical Therapy – Cairo University.
* Prof. Dr. Mohamed Hamdy.
Professor of Neurology at Faculty of Medicine - Alexandria University.
= Speakers of the conference:
* ِProf. Dr. Tarek Omar.
Professor of Pediatrics at Faculty of Medicine - Alexandria University.
* Prof. Dr. Yasmine Ali El Ashram.
Professor of Physiology at Faculty of Medicine - Alexandria University.
* Ass. Prof. Dr. Jaidaa Farouk Mekky.
Associate Professor of Neuro-psychiatry at Faculty of Medicine - Alexandria University.
= General secretary of the conference:
Dr. Hussein Youssef.
Founder of Street Doctor.
Teaching Assistant at Faculty of Physical Therapy - Horus University - Egypt.
= Conference Coordinator:
Nadine Ahmed Basha
Undergraduate student - Faculty of Medicine - Alexandria University.
The conference held on Saturday, August 25th, 2018, at The Lectures Hall of Bibliotheca Alexandrina (The Conference Center).
“Time heals it all” but what if it doesn’t?!!
During our short life on earth we encounter some really touching events, and some of these despite passing by leaves us with a scar deep in our souls, and despite how many years pass by we don’t seem to forget; as it’s a part of who we are now.
These events/encounters are called traumatising events, and we took it as a responsibility here in street doctor to take you behind the curtain of your brain to know why are these memories unforgettable.
In 2015, Egyptian researchers conducted a study and published their results through "The Prevalence and Risk Factors of Anxiety Disorders in an Egyptian Sample of School and Students at the age of 12-18 Years"
The study included 1200 student (600 from rural area, and 600 from urban area) results was depression is the most prevalent 23.8%, anxiety was (6.69%), body dysmorphic disorder (15.2%), adjustment disorder (13.8%); Generalized Anxiety Disorder (9.2%); obsession (7.4%).
In an event featuring leading doctors in both the psychology & neuroscience fields with of course our beloved best five participants from the "Beauty of Brain" program, get to know more about different types of traumas: cultural, relationships, parenting, educational, etc and how to get past those traumas, also the impact of digital communication and how social media networks can get under our skins, harming our mental health; hence causing different traumas.
We will talk about Anxiety - Depression - Stress and other problems most of us face these days and how they are related to traumas.
So get your Shezlong pants, your psychiatrist notebook and get ready for some of the most exciting yet very scientific events ever, the 3rd event by Street Doctor - “Innovative Future of Neuroscience” IFON’19 under the title "Traumatic Signals"
The conference held on Saturday, September 14th, 2019, at The Main Hall of The Conference Center - Faculty of Medicine - Alexandria University.